Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why Moving After A Divorce Makes My Head Explode

Moving doesn't just give me a stress headache it makes me feel like my head could explode.

I write a blog and this week it's been really quiet. Crazy quiet, like crickets. No I haven't abandoned it. No I didn't fall off the edge of the earth either, I've just been moving. Moving boxes of boxes of stuff that I have no idea why I'm keeping.

I didn't think I had that much stuff. I'd moved from a house to a two bedroom apartment and hauled boxes and boxes of stuff to the Goodwill. I thought I'd downsized and cleared out lots of clutter. Boy was I wrong.


I have TONS AND TONS OF CRAP. There's no better word to describe the random items I have discovered. So much crap. I'm swimming in a sea of moth-holed sweaters, old Christmas cards and jeans that don't fit anymore.

Here's a video I made of some of the awesome moving tips I've learned. (And by awesome I mean, make sure you have some sort of alcohol on hand.)

And here's a highlight reel of some of the favorite things I've discovered during this move.

My house is really dirty!

I thought I was a fairly OK housekeeper, until I moved the furniture. There's an entire village of dust bunnies and ponytail elastics living underneath everything I owned. Who knew the swirling piles of grossness lurking underneath everything. Me thinks I needed a Swiffer.


We now have this thing called the Internet. So why do I have need those Auto Club magazines they send you for free every month? Plus I found a Modern Bride magazine from 1992. We loved bangs back then.

My Wedding Gown.

What do you do with your wedding gown now that you are divorced? Can't throw it away. Can't set it on fire. So back it goes into another box, for another move, for who knows the reason why.


Kitchen drawers crammed full of chopsticks. Any easy way to count how many times we got Chinese food delivered.

"Painting Clothes"

Do you have "painting clothes"? You know those beat up, torn clothes you keep just in case you ever need to paint, shellac or faux paint your heart out? I have a stack that came with me from my old house. Ever shellac'd anything? You know the answer to that question.

A Box of 2,000 #10 Envelopes

I found an unopened box of 2,000 white, standard number ten envelopes. In 30 years, I'd never send out enough mail to use that many envelopes. But what heartless soul throws away 2,000 perfectly good envelopes. Think of the trees that were downed to make these envelopes. Yes, I packed them up in another cardboard box to lug to the next location.

Ugly Blouses

I hate the color, the way they fit me. So why do I hold onto these fashion mistakes? The price tags still hanging from the tags inside. Ugly patterns. Unflattering cuts. They will go great with the one earring with missing rhinestones I found in the couch.

Moving is sooo stressful. So many decisions to make; what to keep, what to toss. So many mistakes confronting you (weddings, divorces, pics of old boyfriends you never should have dated, blouses you never should have bought). All those questionable decisions staring you in the face.

No wonder moving makes my brain hurt.

Have you moved lately? What was the strangest item you found?

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